Thursday, June 7, 2018

Chapter 11.5 - Mutual Induction and Transformer

In the previous section we saw the basics about three phase generator. In this section, we will see moving coil microphone.

• The moving coil microphone (see images here) is a device which works on the principle of electromagnetic induction. 
• That is., this devices utilises the current formed in a coil due to the relative motion of the coil and a magnet.
Let us see it's working. We will write the steps: 
1. Consider fig.11.25 below:
• The sound waves made by the speaker falls on a diaphragm, causing it to vibrate. 
• The vibrations will be in accordance with the sound falling on it. 
    ♦ If the sound is loud, vibrations will be more. 
    ♦ If the sound is soft, vibrations will be less.
2. The diaphragm is attached to a coil. 
• So the vibrations are passed on to the coil and it also begins to vibrate. 
3. This coil is placed in the strong magnetic field of a permanent magnet. 
So we can say: The vibrations cause the coil to move inside a magnetic field. 
4. Due to electromagnetic induction, current will begin to flow in the coil. 
• This current is called electrical signals
• It has all the characteristics of the sound made by the speaker. 
•  These electrical signals flow out from the coil through lead wires. 
5. Then they reach an amplifier. 
• Here the signals are 'strengthened'. 
6. After amplification, the signals are sent to the loudspeaker. 
• We have already seen the working of a loudspeaker (Details here).  
• If the signals are not amplified, they will not be able to move the paper cone of the loudspeaker. 
7. In a microphone, first we have a mechanical energy in the form of 'vibrations of the diaphragm'.
• We effectively convert it into 'electrical signals'. So we can write:
■ In a microphone, mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy.

Now we will learn about mutual induction. Let us do an activity: 
1. Consider the arrangement in fig.11.26 below:
• At each end of a soft iron core, finely insulated copper wire is wound. They are named as P and Q
    ♦ The ends of the copper wire of P are connected to a cell and a switch.   
    ♦ The ends of the copper wire of Q are connected to a bulb
2. Now we can begin the trials:
Trial 1:
(i) Turn the switch on and off continuously
(ii) Note down the observation: 
• The bulb glows
3. Trial 2:
(i) Turn on the switch and keep it in on position
(ii)Note down the observation:
• The bulb does not glow
4. The trials are complete. Let us do the analysis:
(i) When we turn on the switch, a magnetic field is formed around P
(ii) Since Q is close by, it will have access to the field produced in P
(iii) But 'having access' is not enough. There must be a 'change in flux'
(iv) When the switch is turned on and off continuously, the flux connected with Q changes. 
• So a current will be produced in it. Thus the bulb glows
(v) But when the switch is kept in on position, there is no 'change in flux'. 
• So current will not be produced and hence the bulb does not glow.

■ So we can write:
Due to a 'changing magnetic field' produced in a coil, an emf is induced in another coil which is kept nearby
• The coil to which we give current for the production of magnetic field is called the primary coil  
• The coil in which induced emf is generated is called the secondary coil  

• It would be very convenient if we can cause the 'change in flux' with out turning the switch on and off continuously
• Let us do another activity
1. Consider fig.11.27 below
• The arrangements are the same as in fig.11.26 except for the power source:
• The cell is replaced by a 6 V AC source
1. Now we can begin the trials. This activity has only one trial
Trial 1:
(i) Turn on the switch 
(ii) Note down the observation: 
• The bulb glows continuously
2. Let us do the analysis:
(i) When the AC passes through the primary, the direction of current changes continuously
• So the polarity of the magnetic field produced in the primary changes continuously
• We can say: A varying magnetic field is produced in the primary
(ii) The secondary is situated in this varying magnetic field
• That is., the magnetic flux connected to the secondary changes continuously
• This situation is similar to 'moving a magnet inside the secondary coil
[Recall that, moving a magnet inside a coil causes a change in flux]
(iii) The flux change produced in the secondary, induces an emf in it. 
• So a current begins to flow in the secondary. Thus the bulb glows

• Consider two coils of wire kept side by side. 
• When the strength or direction of current in one coil changes, the magnetic flux around it changes. 
• As a result, an emf is induced in the secondary coil. 
• This phenomenon is called mutual induction

Now we will see a practical application of mutual induction
Consider the arrangement in fig.11.28(a) below:
1. We have seen that, when an AC is applied to the primary, an emf will be induced in the secondary
We also know that, when the number of turns in a coil increases, greater emf is induced in it   
2. The number of turns in the secondary coil in fig.11.28(a) is greater than that in the primary.
• So we get a higher voltage in the secondary.
• This arrangement can be used when we want to increase the voltage
■ It is called a Step up transformer 
3. The number of turns in the secondary coil in fig.11.28(b) is lesser than that in the primary.
• So we get a lower voltage in the secondary.
• This arrangement can be used when we want to decrease the voltage
■ It is called a Step down transformer 
4. Let the emf in each turn of the primary be e1  
• Let the emf in each turn of the secondary be e2
5. These two values will always be the same. That is., e1 = e2
• Let us denote it as 'e'. So we can write: e1 = e2 = e
6. If the number of turns in the primary is Np, then The voltage in primary Vp = Npe
• If the number of turns in the secondary is Ns, then The voltage in primary Vs = Nse
7. Taking ratios, we get:
■ Thus we get a relation between the four items:
(i) Voltage in primary (ii) Voltage in secondary
(iii) Number of turns in primary (iv) Number of turns in secondary

Let us see some solved examples:
Solved example 11.2
(a) In a transformer,
Number of turns in the primary is 500
Voltage in the primary is 10 V
Number of turns in the secondary is 2500 
What is the voltage in the secondary?
1. Given that:
Number of turns in the primary is 500. So Np = 500
Voltage in the primary is 10 V. So Vp = 10 V
Number of turns in the secondary is 2500. So Ns = 2500
2. We have: VsVp = NsNp
Substituting the known values, we get:
Vs10 = 2500s500 Vs10 = 5 Vs = 50 V

(b) In a transformer,
Voltage in the primary is 100 V
Number of turns in the secondary is 800
Voltage in the secondary is 25 V
What is the number of turns in the primary?
1. Given that:
Voltage in the primary is 100 V. So Vp = 100 V
Number of turns in the secondary is 800. So Ns = 800
Voltage in the secondary is 25 V. So Vs = 25 V
2. We have: VsVp = NsNp
Substituting the known values, we get:
25100 = 800Np 14 = 800Np Np = 800 × 4 = 3200

(c) In a transformer,
Number of turns in the primary is 600
Number of turns in the secondary is 1800
Voltage in the secondary is 120 V
What is the voltage in the primary?
1. Given that:
Number of turns in the primary is 600. So Np = 600
Number of turns in the secondary is 1800. So Ns = 1800
Voltage in the secondary is 120 V. So Vp = 120 V
2. We have: VsVp = NsNp
Substituting the known values, we get:
 120Vp = 1800600  120Vp = 3 V1203 = 40 V

(d) In a transformer,
Number of turns in the primary is 12000
Voltage in the primary is 240 V
Voltage in the secondary is 12 V
What is the number of turns in the secondary?
1. Given that:
Number of turns in the primary is 12000. So N= 12000
Voltage in the primary is 240 V. So V= 240 V
Voltage in the secondary is 12 V. So V= 12 V 
2. We have: VsVp = NsNp
 Substituting the known values, we get:
12240 = Ns12000  Ns12000 =  120  N1200020= 600

Solved example 11.3 
A transformer working on a 240 V AC supplies a voltage of 8 V to an electric bell. The number of turns in the primary coil is 4800. Calculate the number of turns in the secondary coil.
1. Given that:
Voltage in the primary is 240 V. So V= 240 V
Voltage in the secondary is 8 V. So V= 8 V 
Number of turns in the primary is 4800. So N= 4800
2. We have: VsVp = NsNp
 Substituting the known values, we get:
8240 = Ns4800  Ns4800 =  130  N480030 = 160

Solved example 11.4
The input voltage of a transformer is 240 V AC. There are 80 turns in the secondary coil and 800 turns in the primary. What is the output voltage of the transformer?
1. Given that:
Voltage in the primary is 240 V. So V= 240 V
Number of turns in the secondary is 80. So N= 80
Number of turns in the primary is 800. So N= 800
2. We have: VsVp = NsNp
 Substituting the known values, we get:

Vs240 = 80800  Vs240 =  110  V24010 = 24 V

Another useful relation:
1. In an ideal transformer, we can assume that, there is no loss of energy in the form of heat. 
■ In such a transformer, we can write:
Power  in the primary and secondary are equal. That is: Pp = Ps
2. We have seen in the previous chapter that: Power (P) = Voltage (V) × Current (I) [Details here]
• So we can write: PV× Iand PV× Is 
3.But Pp = P
• So we can write:  V× IV× Is
• Rearranging the above, we get: VsVp = IpIs
4. But earlier in this section, we saw that 'VsVp' is equal to NsNp
• So we can write them together:
VsVp = NsNp IpIs.
5. From the above relation, we get an important information:
• Consider the first and last ratios together: VsVp =  IpIs
• Rearranging, we get: VsIVpIp
• That means, the two quantities on either sides of the '=' sign will always be the same. 
6. So, if the secondary voltage Vbecomes high, the secondary current Iwill have to become low
• Otherwise the equality will not be maintained
• That is., in a step up transformer, the secondary current will be lower than the primary current
■ In other words: In a step up transformer: IIp.
■ In a step up transformer, the coil in the primary has to carry greater current. So it is made of thicker wires  
7. In a similar way, if the secondary voltage Vbecomes low, the secondary current Iwill have to become high
• Otherwise the equality will not be maintained
• That is., in a step down transformer, the secondary current will be higher than the primary current
■ In other words: In a step down transformer: IIs.
■ In a step down transformer, the coil in the secondary has to carry greater current. So it is made of thicker wires

Solved example 11.5
In a transformer without any loss in power, there are 5000 turns in the primary and 250 turns in the secondary. The primary voltage is 120 V and the primary current is 0.1 A. Find the voltage and current in the secondary.
1. Given that:
Number of turns in the primary is 5000. So N= 5000
Number of turns in the secondary is 250. So N= 250
Voltage in the primary is 120 V. So V= 120 V
2. We have: VsVp = NsNp
 Substituting the known values, we get:
Vs120 = 2505000  Vs120 =  120  V12020 = 6 V
3. We have: VsVp = IpIs
 Substituting the known values, we get:
6120 = 0.1Is  120 = 0.1Is  I= 0.1 × 20 = 2 A

Solved example 11.6
(a) Given that, in a transformer, Vs Vp
Is it a step up or step down transformer? 
Since secondary voltage is greater than primary voltage, it is a step up transformer
(b) Given that, in a transformer, Is Ip 
Is it a step up or step down transformer? 
Since secondary current is less than primary current, it is a step up transformer
(c) Given that, in a transformer, NsN< 1
Is it a step up or step down transformer? 
NsN< 1  Ns < Np 
Since Number of turns in secondary is less than that in primary, it is a step down transformer
(d) Given that, in a transformer, Vs Vp
Is it a step up or step down transformer? 
Since secondary voltage is less than primary voltage, it is a step down transformer
(e) Given that, in a transformer, Is Ip 
Is it a step up or step down transformer? 
Since secondary current is greater than primary current, it is a step down transformer
(f) Given that, in a transformer, NsN> 1
Is it a step up or step down transformer? 
NsN> 1  Ns > Np 
Since Number of turns in secondary is greater than that in primary, it is a step up transformer

In the next section we will see self induction.


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