■ Celsius and Fahrenheit scales

■ Current electricity
  ● Combination of cells to form battery
  ● Connecting an ammeter
  ● Connecting a voltmeter
  ● Electric power
  ● Electric power transmission
      ◆ 3 pin plug
      ◆ Household circuits
      ◆ kwh meter
      ◆ Star connection
  ● Electromotive force
  ● Heating effect
      ◆ Heating coil
      ◆ Safety fuse
  ● Lighting effect
  ● Ohm's Law
  ● Resistance
      ◆ Resistors in series
      ◆ Resistors in parallel
  ● Resistivity

■ Electromagnetic spectrum
■ Electronics
  ● Semiconductors
  ● Diodes
■ Fahrenheit and Celsius scales
■ Force
■ Gravitation
  ● Acceleration due to gravity
■ Heat
  ● Celsius and Fahrenheit scales
  ● Kelvin scale
  ● Latent heat of fusion
  ● Latent heat of vaporisation
  ● Melting point
  ● Principle of method of mixtures
  ● Specific heat capacity
■ Inertia
■ Kelvin scale
■ Kinetic energy
  ● Law of conservation of energy
■ Latent heat of fusion
■ Latent heat of vaporisation
■ Light
  ● Convex and concave lens
  ● Dispersion of light
  ● Eye and vision
  ● Lens formula
      ◆ Derivation
  ● Magnification
  ● Opaque objects
  ● Persistence of vision
  ● Power of lens
  ● Primary, secondary and complementary colours
  ● Rainbow formation
  ● Ray diagrams
  ● Recombination of colours
  ● Refractive index
  ● Scattering of light
  ● Transparent objects
■ Magnetic effect of Electric Current 
  ● AC generator
  ● Alternating current (AC)
  ● Alternating current (Frequency)
  ● Ampere's swimming rule
  ● Electric motor
  ● Fleming's left hand rule
  ● Fleming's right hand rule
  ● Induced current
  ● Magnetic field around a current carrying circular conductor
  ● Magnetic field around a current carrying straight conductor
  ● Mutual induction
  ● Self induction
  ● Solenoid
  ● Three phase generator
  ● Transformer
■ Motion of objects
  ● Acceleration
  ● Circular motion of objects
  ● Displacement
  ● Distance-Time Graph
  ● Equations of motion
  ● Speed and Velocity
Mass and weight
■ Melting point
■ Newton's Laws of  Motion
  ● Law of conservation of Momentum
■ Potential energy
  ● Law of conservation of energy
■ Power
■ Pressure
■ Specific heat capacity
■ Thrust
■ Wave motion
  ● Longitudinal waves
  ● Wavelength, frequency, time period and speed of waves
■ Work

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