Thursday, April 12, 2018

Derivation of the Lens formula

Derivation of lens formula:
■ In section 7.4, we saw the application of the lens equation: 11v - 1u  
In this section we will derive it. The steps are written below:
1. In the figure below, 
• P is the optic centre of a convex lens
• OB is the object
• IM is the image

• The two foci are given distinct names F1 and F2
   ♦ Distinct names are given for 'convenience in writing the steps' only
   ♦ Length PF1 is equal to PF2
• The ray parallel to the principal axis meets the y axis at C
2. Consider the two right triangles: POB and PMI:
(i) ∠BPO = IPM ( they are opposite angles)
    ♦ This is indicated by the 'single green arcs' on opposite sides of P
(ii) BOP = IMP (∵ they are both right angles)
• The OB is kept perpendicular to the principal axis. So IM will be formed perpendicular to the y axis
• Thus BOP and IMP are right angles 
3. Since two angles are equal, the third angle will also be equal
So we get: OBP = MIP
    ♦ This is indicated by the 'double green arcs' at B and I
4. Thus all the three angles in both the triangles are the same
■ So the two triangles are similar
5. Now we apply a special property that is applicable to any two similar triangles (Details here):
side opposite smallest angle in ΔPOBside opposite smallest angle in ΔPMI
side opposite medium angle in ΔPOBside opposite medium angle in ΔPMI
side opposite largest angle in ΔPOBside opposite largest angle in ΔPMI
6. But angles in the two triangles are the same. That is.,
• Smallest angle in ΔPOB = Smallest angle in ΔPMI
• Medium angle in ΔPOB = Medium angle in ΔPMI
• Largest angle in ΔPOB = Largest angle in ΔPMI
7. So we can write this:
• Ratio of the sides opposite equal angles in the two similar triangles are the same. That is.,
side opposite P in ΔPOBside opposite P in ΔPMI
side opposite B in ΔPOBside opposite I in ΔPMI
side opposite O in ΔPOBside opposite M in ΔPMI
8. So we get: OBIM POPM PBPI 
• But OB = PC. So the first fraction in the above equation can be changed. We get:

9. There is one more pair of similar triangles in the above fig.
Consider the two right triangles: F2PC and F2MI:
(i) ∠PF2C = MF2I ( they are opposite angles)
(ii) CPF2 = IMF2 (∵ they are both right angles)
10. Since two angles are equal, the third angle will also be equal
So we get: PCF2 = MIF2
11. Thus all the three angles in both the triangles are the same
■ So the two triangles are similar
12. We can apply the same procedure that we applied above. We will write the steps again:
side opposite smallest angle in ΔF2PCside opposite smallest angle in ΔF2MI
side opposite medium angle in ΔF2PCside opposite medium angle in ΔF2MI
side opposite largest angle in ΔF2PCside opposite largest angle in ΔF2MI
13. But angles in the two triangles are the same. That is.,
• Smallest angle in ΔF2PC = Smallest angle in ΔF2MI
• Medium angle in ΔF2PC = Medium angle in ΔF2MI
• Largest angle in ΔF2PC = Largest angle in ΔF2MI
14. So we can write this:
• Ratio of the sides opposite equal angles in the two similar triangles are the same. That is.,
side opposite Fin ΔF2PCside opposite F2 in ΔF2MI
side opposite C in ΔF2PCside opposite I in ΔF2MI
side opposite P in ΔF2PCside opposite M in ΔF2MI
15. So we get: PCIM PF2MF2CF2IF2
Compare the above result in (15) with the result in (8):
16. We see that, the first fraction is the same in both results
• So the 'second and third fractions in (8)' can be equated to 'second and third fractions in (15)'
17. For our present derivation, we need only the horizontal distances
• We do not want the vertical and sloping distances
    ♦ Consider the first fraction in (16). PO and PM are horizontal distances. So we keep this fraction 
    ♦ Consider the second fraction in (16). PB and PI are sloping distances. So we discard this fraction 
    ♦ Consider the third fraction in (16). PF2 and MF2 are horizontal distances. So we keep this fraction
    ♦ Consider the fourth fraction in (16). CF2 and IF2 are sloping distances. So we discard this fraction 
18. Thus the required result is:
19. But 
• PO = -u (negative sign is given because PO is measured along the negative x direction)
• PM = v
• PF2 = the focal length 'f'
• MF2 = (PM - PF2) = (v-f)
• So the result in (18) becomes:
-uv f(v-f).
 -u(v-f) = vf  -uv + uf = vf
• Dividing both sides by uvf, we get:
-11v = 1u.
  11v - 1u 
• Thus the lens formula is derived

Now we will prove the equation related to magnification. That is: m = hho = vu.
We will write the steps:
1. Consider the figure given at the beginning of this section.
• In the step (8) above, we proved that: OBIM POPM PBPI
    ♦ Consider the third fraction. PB and PI are sloping distances. So we discard this fraction
2. Thus the required result is: OBIM POPM 
3. But
• OB = ho 
• IM = hi 
• PO = u
• PM = v
4. Substituting these values in (2), we get:  hho = vu 
• Thus the relation is proved


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