Monday, April 23, 2018

Chapter 8.4 - Resistors in Series

In the previous section we saw the details about resistivity. In this section, we will see how resistors are connected with each other.

1. Consider the circuit in fig.8.21(a) below:
• It contains: A switch, 2.2 Ω resistor, 1 Ω resistor and 6 V battery.
■ In this circuit, the resistors are connected in series 
2. Let us turn on the switch. It is shown in fig.b
• A current 'I' will flow out from the positive terminal of the battery
3. When I passes through the 2.2 Ω resistor, there will be a voltage drop. 
• This is because, some energy will be lost as heat in that 2.2 Ω resistor.
4. So the voltage available across the 1 Ω resistor will be low.
• That means, voltage across the two resistors will not be the same. 
• Since the voltages are different, we will attach a voltmeter to each resistor. 
• They are shown as V1 and V2 in fig.8.22 below:
5. Now consider the fig.8.21(b) again. The current I has no oppurtunity to branch. 
• So all the I has to pass through both the resistors. That means, the current through both the resistors will be the same. 
• However, to confirm it, we will connect an ammeter to each of the resistors. 
• These are shown as Aand Ain fig.8.22 above. 
6. Also an ammeter A is connected just near the battery. This will give the current flowing out of the battery before it enters any of the resistors. 
• The energy supplied by the 6 V battery is used partly by the 2.2 Ω resistor and the rest by the 1 Ω resistor.
• So the total energy used by the resistors should be equal to 6 V. 
• To confirm this, we will connect a voltmeter across both the resistors. This is shown as V in the fig.8.22

7. Now, can we guess the readings in the voltmeters and ammeters?
• We can indeed do mathematical calculations and find the answers. 
• We will then compare those answers with the readings obtained in the actual experiment.
8. Consider the current I released from the battery. 
• How much current will be released? 
Ans: It will depend on the resistance that is experienced by the battery
• If the circuit put up a greater 'effective resistance', less current will be released
• If the circuit put up a lesser 'effective resistance', more current will be released
9. There are two resistors. R= 2.2 Ω and R= 1 Ω
• So what is the 'effective resistance' experienced by the battery?
Ans: We have to find the 'effective resistance' created due to the combined actions of Rand R2
10. Let this effective resistance be R
• Then, using the relation V = IR, we get: 6 = I×R
11. We know that, this same I will be flowing through R1
    ♦ So voltage across RV= IR1  
• We know that,this same I will be flowing through R2
    ♦ So voltage across R2 = V= IR2
12. But (V1+V2) = (Energy in R1 + Energy in R2
• This sum must be equal to the total energy available from the battery
• So we can write: (V1+V2) = 6 V
13. Substituting for V1 and Vfrom (11), we get:
(IR1+ IR2) = 6 V
14. But from (10), we have: 6 V = IR
• So (13) becomes:
(IR1+ IR2) = IR
⟹ I(R1+ R2) = IR 
⟹ (R1R2) = R
■ This is a very useful result. We can write it as:
When resistors are connected in series, the effective resistance is equal to the sum of the 'individual resistances'.

• If there are n resistors connected in series, we can write: R = (R1R+ . . . + Rn)
• If all those resistors have the same resistance value, we can denote each as r. 
    ♦ Then the effective resistance R = (r r + . . . + r) [n terms]   
    ♦ Thus we get R = nr
■ So when resistors are connected in series, the effective resistance increases

• For our present case, we get: R = (2.2+1) = 3.2 Ω
15. Once we obtain the effective resistance, we can calculate the current I
• We get: I = V63.2 = 1.875 A
• Since there is no branching,
    ♦ Current through RI1 = I = 1.875 A
    ♦ Current through RI2 = I = 1.875 A
• This is indeed the value obtained from the actual experiment. 
    ♦ See '1.9' written below I1, I2 and I in the table 8.4 below:
16. Now we can calculate the individual voltages:
• The voltage across the 2.2 Ω resistor:
    ♦ We can use the relation: V = IR
    ♦ So V= IR1 = 1.875 × 2.2 = 4.125 V
[Note that, the reading given by the voltmeter Vis entered as 4.1 in the table 8.4 above. So the theoretical and experimental results are the same]  
• The voltage across the 1 Ω resistor:
    ♦ We can use the relation: V = IR
    ♦ So V= IR2 = 1.875 × 1 = 1.875 V
[Note that, the reading given by the voltmeter Vis entered as 1.9 in the table 8.4 above. So the theoretical and experimental results are the same]    
17. Let us take the sum (V1+V2):
(4.125 + 1.875) = 6 V
[Note that, the reading given by the voltmeter V is entered as 6 in the table 8.4 above. So the theoretical and experimental results are the same]

In the next section, we will see resistors in parallel.


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