Sunday, May 20, 2018

Chapter 10.4 - Solved examples on Electric power

In the previous section we completed a discussion on the basics of 'electric power'. We also saw some solved examples.  In this section, we will see a few more solved examples.

Solved example 10.8
A bulb of resistance 529 Ω works on 230 V. The filament was broken. It was joined together and made to work. Let the resistance of the filament now be 460 Ω
(a) What is the change in power of the bulb? 
(b) What is the current flowing through the bulb?
Part (a):
1. Given: R1 = 529 ΩR2 = 460 Ω, V = 230 volts.
2. When the bulb was manufactured, it had a certain resistance. It was 529 Ω.
• So the manufacturer knows how much energy it will consume in one second (if 230 V is supplied) .
• We can calculate it ourselves using the equation which relates power to [voltage, resistance] 
• We can use Eq.10.5: V2R
• Substituting the values, we get: P1 = 2302529 = 100 W.
3. When the new resistance is 460, the new power = P2 = 2302460 = 115 W.
So change in power = (115 - 100) = 15 W
4. The power has increased. That means, more energy is consumed, which is equivalent to saying: 'more energy is produced'.
• So more heat will be produced. But the filament may not be able to withstand this greater heat. Thus it will melt and break again 
5. Another explanation:
• We have seen in the previous section that, when the broken pieces of the filament are joined together, the current will increase. 
• According to Joule's law, when current increases, heat produced also increases
• But the filament may not be able to withstand this greater heat. Thus it will melt and break again 
Part (b):
1. We are required to find the currents.
We can use Eq.10.6: P = VI, which relates power to [Voltage, current] 
2. Voltage remains constant at 230 V
So we can write:
• P1 = V × I1 100 = 230 × I1 ⟹ I100230 = 0.4348 A 
• P2 = V × I2 115 = 230 × I2 ⟹ I115230 = 0.5 A
3. So change in current = (II1) = (0.5 - 0.4348) = 0.0652 A

Solved example 10.9
A bulb is designed to work in 230 V. The resistance of the filament is 529 Ω. If the bulb works at 115 V, what will be it's power?
1. Given: V1 = 230 VV2 = 115 V, R = 529 Ω.
2. The manufacturer designed the bulb to work at 230 V. For that, a resistance of 529 Ω was given
• We can use Eq.10.5: P = V2R, which relates power to [Voltage, Resistance]
3. We can write: P2 = (V2)2R
• Substituting the values, we get: P2 = (115)2529 = 25 W
■ Initial power = P1 = (230)2529 = 100 W 
Note that, there is no change in resistance. In such a situation, if voltage is halved (ie., from 230 to 115V), the power becomes one fourth (ie., from 100 to 25)

Solved example 10.10
Two bulbs are marked as follows:
(i) 40 W, 240 V
(ii) 100 W, 240 V
Which one has greater resistance?
 We want an equation which relates power to: [voltage, resistance]  
• We can use Eq.10.5: P = V2R,
Case (i): Substituting the values, we get: 40 = 2402R ⟹ R = 240240 = 1440 Ω 
Case (ii): Substituting the values, we get: 100 = 2402R ⟹ R = 2402100 = 576 Ω 

Solved example 10.11
An electric heater of power 920 W is working on a 230 V supply. If current flows for 5 minutes through it, Calculate the heat generated
1. From Joule's law, we have: Heat generated (H) = I2Rt 
2. So we want 3 items:
• Current flowing through the heater (I)
• Resistance of the heater (R) 
• Time for which current flows through the heater (t)
3. In the question, we are given only 't'
• We have to calculate the other two items ourselves
4. To calculate them, we can use the given P and V
• To find I, we want a relation that will connect the power (P) to: [V, I]
• We will use Eq.10.6: = VI
• Substituting the values, we get: 920 = 230 × I ⟹ 920230 = 4 A
5. To find R, we want a relation that will connect the power (P) to: [V, I]
• We will use Eq.10.5: P = V2R
• Substituting the values, we get:  920 = 2302 ⟹ R = 2302920 = 57.5 Ω
6. Now we have the required items. Substituting the values in (1),we get:
H =  I2Rt =  4× 57.5 × (5 × 60) = 276000 joules
7. Another method:
• After calculating I in step (4), we can directly use Eq.10.3: H = VIt (Details here)
• In this method, we need not calculate R
• Substituting the values, we get: H = 230 × × (5 × 60) = 276000 joules 

Solved example 10.12
The marking on an electrical appliance is 800 W, 200 V
(a) If it works on 100 V, what is the power consumed?
(b) What is the power when it works on 50 V?
(c) What happens if 500 V is applied to it?
• The marked values are: 800 W and 200 V
• The manufacturer is telling us that, if we supply 200 V to that appliance, it will do a work of 800 joules every second
• Another way of saying it is:
If we supply 200 V to that appliance, it will consume 800 joules of energy every second
• Yet another way of saying it is:
If we supply 200 V to that appliance, it will consume a power of 800 W
• The appliance has a fixed resistance R. We have to find this R first.
• So we want a relation that will connect the power (P) to: [R, V]
• We will use Eq.10.5: P = V2R
3. Substituting the values, we get: 800 = 2002⟹ R = 2002800 = 50 Ω.
Part (a):
1. If the voltage applied is 100 V (instead of 200 V), we will not get the 800 W power. It will be less
2. We have to find this new power. So we want a relation that will connect the power (P) to: [R, V]
• We will use Eq.10.5: P = V2R
3. Substituting the values, we get: P = 100250 = 200 W
■ Note: 
• The voltage decreased from 200 to 100 V. That is., new voltage is half of original
    ♦ Then the power decreased from 800 to 200 W. That is., power becomes one fourth of the original
Part (b):
1. If the voltage applied is 50 V (instead of 200 V), we will not get the 800 W power. It will be less
2. We have to find this new power. So we want a relation that will connect the power (P) to: [R, V]
• We will use Eq.10.5: P = V2R
3. Substituting the values, we get: P = 50250 = 50 W
■ Note: 
• The voltage decreased from 200 to 50 V. That is., new voltage is one fourth of original
    ♦ Then the power decreased from 800 to 50 W.
    ♦ But 50 = (800 × 116
    ♦ That is., power becomes one sixteenth of the original
Part (c):
1. 500 V is greater than the marked value of 200 V. 
• A greater voltage will cause damage to the appliance. Let us see how:
2. From Ohm's law, we have: V = IR
• Substituting the values, we get: 500 = I × 50 ⟹ I = 10 A
3. Using the same method, we can calculate the current expected by the manufacturer:
V = IR ⟹ 200 = × 50 ⟹ I = 4 A
4. So the manufacturer is expecting a current of only 4 A
• We would be supplying 10 A
• The conductor in that appliance will not be able to carry 10 A. It will melt, and thus the appliance will be damaged.

Solved example 10.13
A potential difference of 200 V is applied to a 200 Ω resistor for 5 minutes
(a) Calculate the amount of heat generated
(b) If 200 Ω is replaced by 100 Ω, how much heat will be generated in 5 minutes?
(c) If 400 Ω resistance is used in this place for 5 minutes, how much heat is generated?
Part (a):
1. From Joule's law, we have: Heat generated (H) = I2Rt 
2. So we want 3 items:
• Current flowing through the resistor (I)
• Resistance (R) 
• Time for which current flows through the resistor (t)
3. In the question, we are given 'R' and 't'
• We have to calculate 'I' ourselves
4. From Ohm's law, we have: V = IR
• Substituting the values, we get: 200 = I × 20⟹ I = 1 A
5. So now we have all the items. Substituting in (1), we get:
H =  I2Rt =  1× 200 × (5 × 60) = 60000 joules
Part (b):
1. From Joule's law, we have: Heat generated (H) = I2Rt 
2. So we want 3 items:
• Current flowing through the resistor (I)
• Resistance (R) 
• Time for which current flows through the resistor (t)
3. In the question, we are given 'R' and 't'
• We have to calculate 'I' ourselves
4. From Ohm's law, we have: V = IR
Substituting the values, we get: 200 = I × 10⟹ I = 2 A
5. So now we have all the items. Substituting in (1), we get:
H =  I2Rt =  2× 100 × (5 × 60) = 120000 joules

Part (c):
1. From Joule's law, we have: Heat generated (H) = I2Rt 
2. So we want 3 items:
• Current flowing through the resistor (I)
• Resistance (R) 
• Time for which current flows through the resistor (t)
3. In the question, we are given 'R' and 't'
• We have to calculate 'I' ourselves
4. From Ohm's law, we have: V = IR
Substituting the values, we get: 200 = I × 40⟹ I = 0.5 A
5. So now we have all the items. Substituting in (1), we get:
H =  I2Rt =  (0.5)× 400 × (5 × 60) = 30000 joules

Solved example 10.14
Correct the wrong equations:
H =  I2RtH =  V2Rt, H = Pt, H = IVt
• 'H =  V2Rt' is wrong. 
• The correct form is: H =  I2Rt

We have completed this discussion on 'effects of electric current' and also 'electric power'. 
• In a heater, electrical energy is converted into heat energy 
• In an incandescent bulb, electrical energy is converted into both heat energy and light energy
• In an electric motor, electrical energy is converted into mechanical energy
■ A great advantage of electrical energy is that, it can be easily converted into other forms of energy
• But we must use appropriate appliances for the conversion.

In the next section we will see 'electromagnetic induction'.


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